My Avatar

Back in the dim dark ages I saw an episode of Kung Fu where Master Po once told Kwai Chang Caine (Grasshopper aka David Carradine)

“a man is three things: what he thinks he is; what others think he is and what he really is”.

This holds true for me.  The image in the mirror reflects my face to the world and the back of my head is the shy and retiring person I really am.  There is no need for me to create a graphic/animated avatar as my reflected image IS the avatar.

Our facial muscles are capable of creating thousands of expressions which help us communicate trust, honesty, openness and familiarity to mention a few.

A Venus I am not 🙂 but I do hold the mirror instead of Cupid (yes, I am in charge) and others will only see what I want them to see – much like Venus in The Toilet of Venus as mentioned in Jill Walker’s article “Mirrors and Shadows: the Digital Aestheticisation of Oneself”.

Related Links:

Kung Fu (TV Series)

Walker, J. (2005). Mirrors and Shadows: The Digital Aestheticisation of Oneself. Paper presented at the Digital Arts and Culture Conference

2 comments on “My Avatar

  1. Fr Roman
    April 5, 2011 at 9:29 am #

    Hi Liz,

    I wish you every success on something worthwhile for all humanity.

    God bless.

    Fr R

  2. LizBarrett
    April 5, 2011 at 10:39 am #

    Thank you Fr. It’s a topic that was bugging me for a long while and the journey I’m having by researching and being more aware is really rewarding and hope it helps others who are just as frustrated as I am. I’ve said it before in other posts, that we are all free to choose what we want to buy and eat, and no amount of front-of-pack labelling will help those who don’t care – I’m just not happy with the stance of government, major food industry bodies and advertising authorities and where they’re going with it.

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